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We’ve upgraded our forecasts for GDP growth this year, though economic activity remains subdued through 2024



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Euroopan keskuspankki (EKP) on vahvistanut rahoitusehtojen jyrkän kiristymisen viimeisimmässä puolivuotiskatsauksessaan, joka käsittelee yritysrahoituksen saatavuutta euroalueella.


Is India the new China?

02 elokuuta 2023

It’s a question often asked in recent times, but what is the real truth? Does India offer similar opportunities? What are the obstacles you should be aware of? We asked our experts on the ground.


Korkojen nousun, tiukempien rahoitusehtojen ja hyödykkeiden hintojen nousun odotetaan vaikuttavan kielteisesti sekä kotimaiseen että ulkomaiseen kysyntään.


Learn more about Atradius

Life Ring

Credit Insurance

With Atradius Credit Insurance you can trade with confidence and explore new markets or products, knowing that your business is protected against credit risk such as the insolvency of your customers.

Credit Insurance

Working at Atradius

We are a global company and recruit talent throughout the world. We promote a positive and diverse working culture for all of our people.

Economic research | Atradius


Atradius publications provide you with our view on the economic situation in more than 40 countries and the trading outlook of major industries.