24 November 2021 - Lockdowns triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic revealed to millions of workers that, thanks to digitalisation, working from home is not only possible, but desirable as well.
A panel of experts debates how technology-driven innovation is currently impacting global trade and how businesses can make the most of future opportunities. Date: 5 May 2021 at 09:00 CET
Thought leaders from business and academia have addressed the uncertainty facing the international trade environment as it emerges from the Covid-19 economic crisis.
Thought leaders from business and academia will address the uncertainty facing the international trade environment as it emerges from the Covid-19 economic crisis
Amsterdam, 31 October 2019 – From 1 January 2020, he will replace Isidoro Unda who has announced his departure after 12 years as the insurance company's Chief Executive Officer.
Helsinki, Marraskuu 2017 - Atradiuksen ekonomistien tekemän ennusteen mukaan maksukyvyttömien suomalaisyritysten määrä laskee ensi vuonna seitsemän prosenttia.
Helsinki, Elokuu 2017 - Atradiuksen maksukykybarometri ennustaa suomalaisten yritysten maksukyvyn olevan ensimmäistä kertaa parempi sitten vuoden 2007.