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Atradius 2020 Annual Results

Strong commitment to service delivers stable revenue.
12 Mar 2021

Atradius N.V. today announced a profit of EUR 44.2 million in 2020, down from EUR 227.7 million in 2019. The profit represents a solid result during a year full of uncertainties that substantially drove up risk. Major factors affecting the market included a trade war between the US and China, Brexit negotiations, a price war in the oil and gas market and most notably the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused business lockdowns around the world.

By working together with customers to ensure the best possible cover in this environment Atradius maintained stable revenues despite the reduced value of business transactions and managed claims expenses ensuring customer claims were efficiently and expediently reimbursed.

Financial highlights

  • Insurance premium revenue decreased by 1.8% (0.8% at constant foreign exchange rates)
  • Result for the year of EUR 44.2 million
  • Gross combined ratio 94.3%
  • Insurance and service result at EUR 79.2 million, down by 75.7%
  • Shareholders’ equity and subordinated debt position reduced by 4.1%.
  • Solid solvency ratio exceeds 200% (1)
  • Customer retention of 92.7%, a reflection of Atradius’ commitment to its customers and continued pursuit of excellence even in the most challenging of times.

         (1)Subject to finalisation of any audit procedures.

Insurance revenue
Atradius’ insurance premium revenue decreased by 1.8% to EUR 1,727.4 million in 2020 from EUR 1,759.5 million in 2019 (0.8% at constant exchange rates), reflecting a decline in insurable business transactions due primarily to lockdowns globally. Nonetheless, customer retention is at a very strong level of 92.7%.

The Atradius claims ratio for 2020 reached 58.6%. Loss reserves were increased in anticipation of potentially higher claims due to the lockdowns in relation with the Covid-19 outbreak, while still maintaining balanced risk acceptance and providing comprehensive coverage to our customers.

The expense ratio improved from 35.9% in 2019 to 35.7%, due mainly to savings measures taken when lockdowns commenced, while continuing with our innovative company-wide multi-year programme to modernise our IT systems including a range of measures to further support customers.

Insurance and service result
The Atradius insurance and service result saw a reduction of 75.7% to EUR 79.2 million from EUR 325.4 million in 2019, driven mainly by lower revenue as a result of decreased insurable business combined with the increased loss reserves for potentially adverse developments in the more uncertain risk environment.

Investment result
Atradius’ conservative investment portfolio contributed EUR 14.3 million in a difficult environment with extremely low interest rates and volatile equity markets.

Result after tax
Following the Covid-19 outbreak and the subsequent reserve strengthening reflecting the economic fallout, the result after tax decreased by 80.6% to EUR 44.2 million from EUR 227.7 million.

Solvency ratio
Bolstered by profitable growth in the business, stable investment returns and prudent risk underwriting, the Atradius solvency ratio at the end of 2020 again exceeded 200% (1).

      (1)Subject to finalisation of any audit procedures.

While 2020 was a year in which we knew our profits would be under pressure, our first priority was people. Ensuring our people were safe and well taken care so that they could take good care of our customers. I am proud of the way they have risen to the challenges so that our customers, brokers and agents could rise to their own challenges. This commitment is reflected in our retention rate and our overall result.

David Capdevila
Chief Executive Officer of Atradius N.V.

Business Outlook
While it will take years to fully recover from the pandemic, the global economy is expected to begin improving in 2021. Emerging markets, led by China, are forecast to bounce back faster, with Latin America and Eastern Europe expected to grow slightly slower. Advanced economies are projected to grow 3.9%, with the recovery in Western Europe taking longer due to extended lockdowns. As the governmental support in the economy will continue in 2021 and some countries will extend their governmental reinsurance schemes, we are confident that our risk management actions will continue to be balanced and customer focussed.